Picturesque Chandigarh, popularly known by the sobriquet “The City Beautiful” and the first planned post-independence urban city with Le Corbusier’s famous “Open Hand” symbol and edifices, the lure of the lucre and its affluent society make it a potential city of celebrations!
The capital of both the states of Haryana and Punjab, a rapidly burgeoning hotel industry here has put some beautiful Banquet Halls in Chandigarh at our disposal!
Crafting your particular occasion with consummate panache, whether your event is large or small, these elegant Banquet Halls can accommodate from 6 upto 350 guests.
The capital of both the states of Haryana and Punjab, a rapidly burgeoning hotel industry here has put some beautiful Banquet Halls in Chandigarh at our disposal!
Crafting your particular occasion with consummate panache, whether your event is large or small, these elegant Banquet Halls can accommodate from 6 upto 350 guests.
The Banquet facility includes two Halls (Florence and Siena) with a capacity of 350 persons for cocktails / receptions, or 200 persons in theatre style seating. The pre-function area opens to a beautiful outdoor terrace that adds to the charm of the event, endowing it with greater space and sense of continuity.
The Hotel also has the option of hosting open air banquets at the Terrace for up to 250 people. With a rooftop banquet area that has a very special setting with panoramic views, soft lighting and total privacy, it makes for a unique event and a very top-of-the world feeling!
While a Spa in Chandigarh, which aims at total relaxation and rejuvenation through a simultaneously inter-connected process, is the place to lie back at the end of a hectic day and let expert hands just work the stress of your body with their skilful massages and relaxation techniques!